Friday, 4 March 2016

Month by Numbers: new year, new room, new job

7 favourites...
1.) My short month of Feb with filled with cheesy dance moves and eating a lot of meals out. So, what else is different eh?

2.) February is the time for Chinese New Year, which is essentially a 2nd Christmas. And as you can imagine, I absolutely love. Oh, and I get to spend lots of time with family too, which is also pretty swell.

3.) This month came with a lot of music in different genres and in different ways. My brother got us tickets to see a singer we both love - the folk angel that is Lissie and my god. Her voice, man. It's got so much emotion in it, it's insane. I've also been listening non-stop to Slaves' album, Are You Satisfied. A bit late to the party but perfect for everything from getting me out of bed and getting ready to go out, to going for a run and running errands. They're exactly what British angst has been missing for a long ol' time.

4.) This month I've really revelled in the love and lols of my friends. Everything else in your life can fluctuate so easily, but your friends are the ones who at the end of the day are proud of you, cheers you, and dance the night away with you. Whether they're all the way on the other side of the world, you're reprioritising some friendships that have been in life for a long time, or just making sure you clock in some quality time with them - they're pretty damn great aren't they?

5.) I re-decorated my room and it's now a Pinterest-worthy, marshmallow, circus wonderland and oh it dreamy. I love it so much. Who knew bedding and some fairy lights could have such an effect on a girl?

6.) Chiswick House held a lantern festival to celebrate Chinese New Year, and despite my fingers and legs nearly freezing off (damn you tights and lack of gloves), it was a lit-up funfair of bright colours and amazing structures. Never have I felt more like I was tripping out of my mind.

7.) I GOT OFFERED A NEW FLIPPING JOB BOYS AND GIRLS. Sometimes life throws you a bit of an unexpected curveball. But you know what you do? Suck it up, keep calm and deal the fuck with it the best that you can (cause you're as British as a tea-drenched crumpet). Even when it tests your Jigglypuff-esque, optimistic persona - stick to your guns because in the end, it'll all end up working out and you can stick 2 fingers up at self doubt, that negative lil bugger. YAY TO EXCITING NEW CHAPTERS!

5 tweets...
"Spent this morning polishing my boots & brushing suede items. Quite the change from my usual state of nursing a hangover. Am I an adult now?"
"An absolute babe at the post office just said my hair was dead nice & asked where I got it done. Now feeling über-sassy 💁🏻"
"My nephew was singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody while having his bath tonight. Top choice kiddo. Mega impressed & proud 👍🏼🏅🎤"
"You. Yes you - you beautiful bastard. I still think about you far more than I care to want to. Dammit💔 (Cryptic MSN-esuqe status done with)"
"My nephew saw a baby photo of me and said: 'I don't like you small, I like you bigger' 😂"

3 outfits...
Cute, pastel, embroidered details, denim and crop tops - all very crucial staples of my wardrobe. 
But who knew I'd take inspiration from Dennis the Menace's stripes as well hey?