Friday, 11 April 2014

Amy - v.2.0

I've come back to my parents for a couple of weeks for Easter break - using the word 'break' loosely here.

I've never been more busy and had a longer 'to-do' list, but be more excited and ambitious in my life!
As my masters course comes closer to finishing, my pile of work just continues to build - hence why I'm using my Easter break to try and get on top of it (staying up to 3am writing features is never ideal!) -hence why I've not been putting as much effort into my blog as I would like to.
With the world of work becoming more real everyday, it's become more apparent to me how much enjoy writing on her, and how important it actually is that I continue to, no matter how busy life gets.
Throughout this year and on this post grad course, It's never been more apparent of what kind of person I want to be and continue to grow into. Not only that, but I've never been more clear or have a more aspirational view of what I want my blog to be like, what kind of people I want to work with, what kind of employee I want to be, what kind of writing I want to be writing and what kind of career I want to work towards. And this is all because throughout this year, I've worked non-stop at all of these factors, and realised all that i don't want to be.
So, as well as my deadlines and the endless CVs and job applications I keep sending off (this is the view that I've been facing for pretty much the past week!), I have a image and idea in my head of what I want my blog to be like. How I want to images to be edited, what the tone of the writing will be, the layout and colour dream blog - and I'm gonna work harder than ever to get to that. Now, I'm not saying it's going to be an overnight change (this isn't Extreme Home Makeover), it's gonna be gradual, because I'm still learning and figuring it all out. Just like all these changes and views that I have and want now, they've all come because of what I've learnt throughout the past year.
So I hope you join me along for the ride! - there may be bumps along the way, but I'd love it if you joined me on the journey!

Hope you're all well,
Speak soon!

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