Tuesday, 11 December 2012


In my house at uni, i live with 4 other fashion students, and although i am doing a 10,000 dissertation alongside my design module, the others opted to do a 5,000 dissertation alongside an additional module of Design Communications. One of the pieces of work they had to do early on was think of 50 words that inspire them or they feel represent them or they way they work, and the same with 50 images.

Even though i have enough work to do, when looking at one of their pieces of work, i thought it looked great and actually a brilliant exercise to do and a great little thing to keep after, so i decided to do it myself.



Even though we're all studying the same subject, we all have our own unique style and way of dressing that's very different, and you could definitely tell this by just looking at our choice of images.


Hannah's is the one on the left, Michaela's on the right, and mine in the middle.
(Hannah and Michaela both have brilliant blogs too, which I'll link below so you can check them out!)


I love how different they are and although being so different, i still like and find some of their images inspiring and think it's great to see what interests and inspires others.


Mine included Audrey Hepburn, animals, pastel stripes, Wonderwoman, magical lights and Florence Welch.
Hannah's had Korean popstars, architecture, Scandinavian influences and subtle colour.
Michaela's showed forests, baroque inspired pieces, tattoos and a darker feel.


Being different is one of the great things of  life and about humans and i would recommend to anyone to try this little exercise, because although 50 sounds like a lot at first, it doesn't take long until you find so many images you enjoy that you'll have to edit down!

Whose set of images do you prefer?  Who and what would you include in your images?

Michaela's Blog: http://michaelaclaricoates.blogspot.co.uk/
Hannah's Blog: http://hannahpodbury.blogspot.co.uk/

Hope you're all well.
Speak soon.

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